Sermon Title: The Motivation and Nature of the Resurrection


Sermon Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:23-28, 35-58

Sermon Big Idea: 

Knowing that Jesus is coming back, how we will be blessed, and how this world ends, motivates us to be solid, joyful, and without fear as we long for the return of Christ.

Sermon Points:

  1. End times… our resurrection is important to how we live today! (1 Cor 15:8-11, 31-34, 54-58)
  2. When will the resurrection occur? (1 Cor 20-28, 50-55)
  3. What will our resurrection bodies be like? (1 Cor 15:35-49, 53)

Questions: (Use, modify, be selective according to the needs of your LifeGroup)

  1. What stood out to you from the sermon or the passage 1 Cor 15:20-28; 35-58.
  2. How does thinking about our resurrection bodies impact your perspective on suffering in this life? Based on Romans 8:18-27:
    • Romans 8:18 – What are ways that you currently suffer? How does your view of eternity affect how you process those specific areas of suffering?
    • Rom 8:24-25 – How does a hope in something future help us in current difficult circumstances? What is the importance of what Paul is saying about patience?
  3. How does thinking about our resurrection bodies impact our perspective on our mission to reach the lost? Based on 2 Cor 5:1-11:
    • 2 Cor 5:1-2 – Paul speaks about our earthly tent and our heavenly dwelling (see also 1 Cor 15:35-58). Do you… and if so, why do you long for a heavenly dwelling?
    • 2 Cor 5:6-9 – Paul says he is always of good courage. If you ever get discouraged, why? How should this knowledge focus our attention on pleasing the Lord? (see also Col 3:1-4)?
    • 2 Cor 5:10 mentions that we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ to receive what is due for the things done in the body. What does this judgment entail and how does it differ from the final judgment of unbelievers (Rev 20:11-15)?
    • In 2 Cor 5:11 Paul expresses his fear of the Lord, which motivates him to persuade others. Why does the “fear of the Lord” motivate us to share the gospel?
      • Based on the context of this passage, is our “fear of the Lord” related to our personal responsibility to share the gospel and the fact we will be accountable for that or is it the “fear of the Lord” as it relates to the judgment unbelievers will face if they do not get right with God before they die (Rev 20:11-15)?
      • When was the last time you shared the gospel with someone? What helps you be focused on that element of relationships? What makes sharing the gospel hard?
  4. How does understanding the timeline and nature of resurrections and judgments affect our view of this life and the future?